Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Best Of.

As most of you know, In about a week, I am crossing the North 49th Parallel for one final time before I hope to cross it again north of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It is a massive milestone in my journey to be crossing this latitude line as it marks my journey south through the United States, sort of a Phase II of a journey that with take me to the far reaches of Fiji, Australia, and Asia.

Since I am leaving Canada, the East Coast, and Cascadia behind I felt it apt to post a sort of "Best Of." the last year of my journey. It will be entirely images labeled with the location and month that the image was taken. (I messed up a few dates... Oh well)

There are a few images that are new, a few that are old from my blog, and a few that are old from my Instagram.

I hope you enjoy about 50 of what I think are the "Best Of" my journey thus far.